Category: Graphic Design
Maps, Map, Maps!
Here are some maps that I have designed over the past few years. All were published in books, mostly Museum art books.
Game of Thrones Photoshop Work
Just for kicks I took a promo shot of Sean Bean as Ned Stark and shot myself with similar lighting. Then I composited my head into the shot.
Blast from the Past (2001)
My design partner at the time Bryan Flynn and I had the chance to design for a benefit concert for Lee Dorman. I recently found the design files.
A T-Rex chasing a Unicorn who is trying to escape with a UFO
Commandhose Tattoo Pantyhose
Here is a project that I’ve been working on with Kerry. Commandhose! Tattoo pantyhose. Kerry has been designing the artwork and I’ve been working on the packaging and website. Here is a post on Kerry’s site with a video of the prototype being shown on TV.